Wanted: #MadeWithMixcraft Video Content!

Want more ears on the results of your hard work and creativity in Mixcraft? We want to help!

The fact is that music posted on YouTube gets much higher engagement than most channels and is easier for us to share with the rest of the world through our website and on social media. We're keeping our eyes and ears out for compelling new YouTube content that shows you and Mixcraft at their best.

Although we're listening primarily for tracks made with the new Mixcraft 10, it doesn't have to be the latest version or show the Mixcraft user interface. It doesn't even have to be a visually complex music video. It may just be a representative still image of your music or yourself. It's the music that matters. And we also love to see demos and tutorials as new and curious musicians find these especially helpful and engaging.

Tag your YouTube uploads and social media posts with a description like #madewithmixcraft, #mixcraft, #mixcraft10, #mixcraft9, etc., to get our attention and new viewers. The more details you put into the YouTube description (who you are, how you made it, links to Spotify, Bandcamp, SoundCloud, etc.), the better we can feature your work and help the Mixcraft community build its audience. We also follow the Mixcraft Users Showcase group on Facebook, a Mixcraft content community with over 3500 members!

If we spot your video we’ll add it to our Video Showcase, the page that's linked in Mixcraft 10 itself. The more info you put into the YouTube description (who you are, how you made it, links to Spotify, Bandcamp, SoundCloud, etc.), the better we can feature your work.

We can’t wait to hear -- and see -- what you’re doing with Mixcraft!