Oct 24, 2023 | Vlad Basmanov Music
Mixcraft user Vlad Basanov covers the music from the 1991 Nintendo game Battletoads, made with Mixcraft 10 Pro Studio.
"Recently, while listening to music from retro games that were released on NES consoles, I decided to make an epic cover of Battletoads, which I played back in my childhood. Here's what came out of it."
00:00 - 00:12 - Title Theme (Battletoads Double Dragon) 00:12 - 00:57 - Level 1 Tail of the Ratship Theme (Battletoads Double Dragon) 00:57 - 1:19 - Stage 02 NES (Battletoads Double Dragon) 1:19 - 1:48 - Level 2-3 Turbo Tunnel Theme (Battletoads Double Dragon) 1:48 - 2:07 - Surf City Theme (Battletoads) 2:07 - 2:17 - Intermission (Battletoads) 2:17 - 2:36 - Prologue Theme NES (Battletoads Double Dragon) 2:36 - 2:48 - Boss Theme (Battletoads) 2:48 - 3:10 - Turbo Tunnel Race (Battletoads) 3:10 - 3:19 - Level 5 Missile Mayhem Theme (Battletoads Double Dragon) 3:19 - 3:48 - Ragnarok Canyon (Battletoads) 3:48 - Level Complete (Battletoads)
Donate: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/vladbasmanovmusic
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/vladbasmanov
Yandex Music: https://music.yandex.ru/artist/10768906