Editing Products


When you create a product, it is assigned an ID and it starts out on build #1. If you have an existing product, you can simply edit the details. However, if you're sending actual files or data to the Mixcraft client, you will need to create a new build. (Click the Add Build button when editing a product to create a new build.)

  • Product Name
    The product name and build number are displayed at the top. The product status is also displayed here. Status states include development, beta, pending, approved, and published. Note that the build number is also displayed in the URL .)

  • Build Number
    This control lets you change the displayed build. Click the dropdown to change the build #. and also after the product title.

  • Add Build
    Click this to create a new build.

  • Submit for Approval
    Click this button when you are ready to submit your product.

  • Publish
    Click this when you are ready to publish your approved products.

  • Put In Beta
    Click this if you want to test this product with your approved beta testers. Click the Team page to add testers.

  • View
    This should show you your product in the store.

Product Tabs

Once your product and build are finished you will click the "Submit For Approval" button. At that point, our team will evaluate and test it and ensure it is ready for the customers. If there are any test codes, please provide them for us to double-check. Learn more about publishing your products.