Dec 8, 2023 | Mixcraft
Mixcraft 10 University 101, Lesson 6 - Effects
Mixcraft includes a large suite of real-time audio effects that can be applied to audio clips or virtual instruments. These are usually referred to as “plug-ins.” Mixcraft also supports user-installed third-party plug-ins in VST and VST3 formats.
In this tutorial, Zane shows you how to get started with key effects for EQ and compression. Using effects is a huge part of producing music on your computer and Mixcraft 10 comes with all of the essential effects plug-ins you'll need.
This video focuses on basic effects plug-ins that are common to both Mixcraft 10 Recording Studio and Pro Studio, but Pro Studio includes even more than what what you'll see here. See the full comparison of plug-ins and features of the two versions of Mixcraft 10.
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