Downloads of previous builds of Mixcraft 10 are provided for those who wish to roll-back from subsequent versions for troubleshooting purposes.
Fix related to recording two or more mono tracks at a time.
Fix for armed channels coming back as left after disarm and then rearm. (when recording effects) - mix 10 branch
New scripts for Launchkey 37 MK4 and Akai APC Mini MK2
Updated code for login menu option.
shell plugins fix for instruments not showing up after running second time
Fix for drawing timeline in time mode
Possible rare freeze depending on memory contents when zooming all the way in in time mode.
Possible fix for rare crash when the effect dialog closes.
Fix for optional products needed in store.
Plugin-mods.csv can now specify plugin file names that shouldn't be scanned in safe mode
#1902 French language splash screen "skip" option cuts off the ending bracket around the word Ignore
Allow user to save project in existing temp rec folder on first save.
An annoying clicking fix. Was able to click on the left side of the track body area and it was doing nothing. There was a 5 pixel 'dead' area...that I almost always click...Now it positions the caret like it's supposed to.
First time showing melodyne, we resize we do not have a giant sound tab unless melodyne is showing
Restored flac tagging back to build 621 and earlier which did not tag.
Fix for old mixcraft project being resaved in mixcraft 10. Since mx5 used one folder for all projects, it was copying every file in the project recording folder. Now we only copy the files used in the project. I also fixed an issue where clearing a project that had never been saved was leaving a temp project folder lying around.
Fix for changing marker time/beats offset and adjusting tempo/key, etc. (In marker dialog)
Fixed extra note in unfold loops. was due to very small precision digit
Fix for Melodyne on scaled monitors!
Fixed auto scroll on piano roll timeline and loop markers.
Added api getters Perform.GetGlobalQueueMode() and Perform.GetGlobalRecordMode()
If the resize vst message is on the gui thread, we resize it at that time
We now call SetProcessor() properly even if plugin is disabled.
Fix for stacking multiple MIDI plugins.
Fixed create new duck area in automation. (Visual glitch)
Home studio dup track was not calculating the correct number of tracks during track duplication.
Multi-point selected automation could not be dragged up and down via line or vertical drag tool.
Fix for notation showing minor key sigs
Fix for getting the correct VST when there are multiple copies of the same plugin. This resulted in a customer with no audio in 628 due to that instance of the plugin having no data.
Fixes trivial grayed out File menu header after using most recent list to load project.
If plugin is disabled, we ignore the 'using midi output' flag.
Fixed not showing drum map for new clips when not in chromatic scale.
Fix for loading projects with OmniSampler created in build 621 or earlier.
Important changes in this update.
Plugin Controller updates
Instrument presets (in the change-instruments dialog) can have controllers saved with them
Effects chains can have controllers saved with them
VST dialog presets can have controllers saved with them
Independent of the existing preset types listed above, you can also save controller sets and load them from the menu that pops up when you click on the add-controllers button (these are plugin-specific, so if you save a controllers set for the GX-80, for instance, it'll only show up in the load-controller-set menu for the GX-80).
The add-controllers menu also has some new general utility functions, including mute all controllers, unmute all controllers, and delete all controllers.
Mixcraft 10 can load controller sets from Mixcraft 8 and earlier, so if you have any of those still hanging around in appdata\[]\controllers, they should show up in the load-a-controller-set submenus.
Controller Updates: Launch Control XL, Launch Key 49 MK4, Native X-Touch (Non Mackie mode)
Stability Improvements: Addressed crashes, plugin initialization, and preset handling, including bulletproofing measures for edge cases.
Automation Enhancements: Fixed issues with dragging automation points.
Plugin Management: Resolved errors in plugin collection handling, preset saving, and compatibility with VST3 plugins. Can now skip splash screen plugin scan.
Effect Chains: Improved handling of effect chain overwriting and ensured compatibility between Mixcraft 9 and 10.
General Functionality: Fixed deadlocks, enhanced project search, and resolved various UI glitches.
Detailed List Of Updates In Build 628
Multi-point selected automation could not be dragged up and down via line or vertical drag tool.
#1853 Deleting collections in plugin manager, seems to delete the wrong one
Null-pointer crash when changing presets for plugins with no GUI
Inform vst3 plugins when their parent track names or colors have changed
#1849 undo doesn't work for track color
When user saves a Mixcraft 10 effect chain with the same name as a Mixcraft 9 effect chain, don't delete the mx9 chain file in case said user uses both Mixcraft 9 and 10...and after the previous change, if user deletes an effect chain, need to delete both Mixcraft 9 and Mixcraft 10 versions of it if they exist
#1825 Overwriting effect chains doesn't seem to be working.
Deleting an Omni Sampler instance and then undoing wasn't restoring samples
#1846 deadlock when loading preset with audio controllers from inst dialog dropdown instead of plugin dialog dropdown
Fixed setting volume of track whilst armed (double clicking mixer slider)
#1386 Project search results should contain "all" criteria, rather than "any"
#1843 Plugin manager displaying incorrect count
old bug where rendering a selection of audio was not adding in the crossfades
fixed publish bug - library was not replacing vars properly - only exposed in this case.
Fix for tiny icon when duplicating tracks
#1837 library editing broken since at least build 570
#1836 Track shortcuts not working properly in all cases
updated launchcontrol xl.
fixed recording to handle take recording and recording management for the various modes.An easy fix due to an erroneous bulletproofing.
Fixed recording to handle take recording and recording management for the various modes. (introduced in 622)
fix for home studio log folder link and a few other things. Home Studio shares same appdata location as other mixcraft flavors.
Fixed imapi CD burning.
#1826 Renaming plugins in manager, leaves plugin un-clickable, sort of
issues with overwriting plugin presets
#1825 Overwriting effect chains doesn't seem to be working.
new LaunchKey49 MK4 script
#1823 Customer reports doubled preset entries after saving a preset with controllers
loop mode in Melodyne now following same logic as in Sound view. The loop matches and only shows the loop area if the sound loop points have been adjusted. It never made sense to have the loop point in the transport be the loop that you see in the sound.
Fixed loop indicators
Fix for hotkeys not showing in menu item for track marker ( Show Marker List, Select Time, Set loop)
fixed default drum map for heavy metal processed
Fix for setting the key/scale when using transport. Only changes markers that have had the key or scale changed. it finds the first marker before the play indicator.
Bulletproofing based off crash report from customer -> Crash report 3803
make sure all previous plugin-instance mappings in CVstPlugInInventory get cleared out during new project/load project operations
#1820 Preference disabled until re-opened prefs window
Issue with sidechainable VST3 child window position when the plugin gets resized so that the toolbar changes from 2 lines tall to 1 or vice versa
#1767 Track name input is restricted on the mixer, if starting with "H"
fix log message erroneously claiming VST3 scan failed
#1814 assert in latest code related to LFO controller and parent track ID not existing
Was able to change envelope on clip that is recording. That should not be possible.
check for plugin crashes during all the plugin initialization that occurs in CProject::LoadEffectsChain during project loading, not just when the plugin is getting instantiated
controllers plugin preset format tweak to make sure one plugin can't attempt to load another plugin's preset (and likely crash)
controller saving for alpha/omni samples and acoustica effects
plugin manager collection-dragging bug
if in file activity mode, we do not allow any script commands to be processed. (IE: while saving, loading, etc.)
#1811 next/prev preset dropdown position issue
#1813 Rob Papen Albino 3 VST2 crashes in safe mode
some bulletproofing for unplugging a device
fixed not updating solo or mute on XTouch when receiving from Mixcraft
made sure mix to stems uses appropriate tagging
Now writing FLAC and WAV tags when mixing down
added a couple of riff chunks for wave tag compatibility
vst2/vst3 preset saving, crash checking for loading of all plugins, splash-screen button for canceling plugin scanning
Fix for loading asio devices. We had a check to see if the device was still there when loading an audio track with an armed track. The problem is that we cannot check the asio device properly since ASIO was not open. We no longer check the asio device on load.
No longer creating folders when saving a template
Added ability to show crash module in crash dialog.
wasn't setting PCM track for instruments created when loading multi-track MIDI files
library file browser recognized .mid files but not .midi files
#1780 Crashing with a plugin during loading - the next run supposed to ask the user if they want to put it into safe mode
Now showing hotkey on rightclick menu for markers on marker list.
#1775 User got crash in menu system
updated api level to 13 for controller updates
updated xtouch compact script
Fixed a few functions to be gui safe related to loop control.
added new GetMarkerTime() api
In javascript changing drive or compressor was not turning the feature on in the mixer.
Added logging for effects and their IDs to better track potential glitches in the matrix.
save/load controllers code
Fixed crash scanning huge flac file (3.8 gb)
Made Arm(), Solo(), Mute() work instantly via scripts.
Also found that arm and mute did not have undo events when changed via a control surface.
Scripts can no longer change arm status, tuner or monitor status during recording as well.
Removed unnecessary logging
bulletproofed weird situation copying midi sound where one event was missing.
mackie control surfaces had wrong codes for undo and save
Master volume was messed up for script control surfaces
prevent unnecessary assert with ForceID and built-in effects
when recording we no longer remember the selected clips
added Danny to about screen for new controller support
also fixed 2024 dates to replace with current next year, it should read 2025.
Fixed bad pointer in guiloopflag issue - was never being cleared.
missed a couple files in .vstpreset checkin
had to edit message box in one more place
truncating the "Items Will Be Uninstalled" message box if it contains more than 10 items
handling shell plugins in the #1788 fix
#1788 Cannot load vstpreset files
Bulletproofed nullptr situation which user encountered. Recording clip was null.
#1785 Hot key description for undo/redo changes based on what is active in Mixcraft.
Bulletproofing...when stopping recording, we clear the async record clip list.
After inserting time for blank proj, user was not able to enter in a tempo via transport. Fixed
Fix for drawing glitch with time stretched midi clips
#1784 Copying project to zip file - copies the same audio files multiple times when not necessary
#1767 track name input is restricted on the mixer, if starting with "H"
#1773 If you turn off the option to create a backup every time you save, it still creates backup projects.
Resized German controls
If some poorly written vst3 had no descriptor, we still return a blank string for a few functions just like the vst2 hostwrapper does.
Removed unnecessary check for vst host id so now if the id is different it always redoes the vstpluginininventory
Removed redundant effect id system for VSTHostWrapper
Added a little bulletproofing for scenario where ids got messed up somehow
We were not locking around the OnEffectDelete() and it was possible for the effect to be deleted but not removed from the effect chain and the mixer tried to use it.
removed a bit of redundant ID code (it's handled in the base class)
#1748 Delete track with Superior Drummer on it, Mixcraft crashes
updating VST3 shell hosts to get deleted outside the main thread
No longer deleting automation directly - adding to a queue that gets deleted by the cpmctrack object as a cleanup function
Found a few missing pieces for the shell host auto deletion code.
moved VSTShellHost deletion out of main thread to avoid UI delays while waiting for pipes etc. to close
a few tweaks to ForceID mapping
#1745 Project crashing after update to 618
#1722 fix potential attempt to dereference deleted memory if a video clip gets deleted during playback
removed debug logging slowing stuff down
Fixed shut down crash related to bad hover object
Many many fixes and stability improvements.
Safe mode for VST3s (previously was only for VST2)
New controller scripts
Akai APC Key25 MK2
Arturia Keylab Essential 49 MK3
Korg nano KONTROL Studio
Nectar Impact LX
Nectar Panorama-P1
Novation Launchkey 49-MK3
Novation Launchpad Pro MK3
Novation Launchpad X
Performance panel - now defaults to one performance track per track. (For those that want the older method, you can uncheck “Limit Tracks To One Performance Lane”). This was added to make performance panel / controller surface manipulation more sensible. Old projects with multiple performance tracks / lane will properly load.
Timeline select/loop features. - easy features to select time/loop between two markers.
Select Time
Set Loop Region
#1731 unable to rename plugins with hardcoded names (TB plugins, primarily)
#1730 Searching within plugin manager is looking for any of the words I type, rather than all of them
checking bVSTLoaded flag when calculating category counts in plugin manager. If user was no longer loading VSTs, the counts were still showing as if they did.
#1716 Imported files with favorite star selected, do not show under favorites list
Scan code for libraries was failing as it was downloading the incorrect file from the wrong library when attempting to load a project with a missing library file.
Fix for removing time where it was not setting the appropriate value at time 0 in automation. Bug was introduced in 601 which was never released to customers.
removed tooltip that didn't help and was incorrect when undocked.
issues drawing dialog frames for some 32-bit plugins
Vdeo fixes for a crash and a freeze situation
Fix for potential infinite loop - Russ ran into it - I cannot see how it could happen at this point, though
need to show region controls when switching to pro studio
Fix for undoing deleting a track with volume not at 0 db.
Fixed duplicating track with muted inst/fx...undo redo was not restoring the track with muted effects/insts.
New Panorama-P1.js controller script
fixed undo/redo crash related to video tracks.
Minor shortcut spelling mistake on desktop when changing from recording studio to pro studio (Micraft not Mixcraft)
Fix for errant popup when right clicking on audio file in Pro Studio if AVX instructions are not supported.
Fix for crash log file situation where it was not included in the backup.
New script for Nektar Panorama P1
Minor fix - was able to set metronome count in to numbers greater than 8.
Removed “Vocal Reducer” from hot keys. That is not a feature of Mixcraft
fixed accidental lane being created for punch in/out - was a rounding issue.
Fixed undo/redo issue with arming effects. Was not restoring state in add/remove undo actions.
add a lane add undo node for tracks due to the new one performance lane per track feature. This could cause issues when adding a new track and hitting undo and then redo. (The performance lane was not coming back)
plugin-mods fields for custom COM models now also working for VST3s
plugin-mods fields for custom COM models now working for VST2s
Fixed dup / undo/redo crash with multiple instruments and one with output tracks.
Fixed file activity mode with adding video clips.
fix for #1677 - bug related to loading projects where compressor or drive had been changed but also turned off.
slightly darker disabled text for list views in light skin mode.
vst2 shell app now initializing COM to multithreaded instead of apartment - fixes Sonible true:level and true:balance
fix for beta situation where it was downloading older items from store. It should only download it if the local item build num is less than the compatible server build num.
#1682 The word "shortcut" is showing in multiple places in the View menu
Fixed a small rounding issue where a partial beat was coming back as 1.0 which would show as 1000. (A sound was showing up on the sound tab as 2 measures, 3 beats and 1000 partial beats which should have been 3 measures)
Fix for undo/redo situation with deleting effect as recording source. Also fixed tooltip for MIDI recording source on the arm button
Fix for button overlapping another button on pianoroll toolbar.
Fixed duplicate/undo/redo freeze quirk
Not bothering with trying sound tab commands if no clip - was resulting in debug assert. harmless
Moved code to check if loop library in registry is the same as in the file. If the reg value exists and is not the same as the one in the file, we move the library. ( Also if they are in student mode - it does not allow a move.)
#1673 Plugin gets bigger every time GUI is shown
No longer restarting catalog/product check when deleting cache/temp files.
Fixed shading if clip is muted . This matches how the clip looks if the track is muted.
Now right clicking on a set header and selecting delete sends a message to delete itself instead of trying to delete itself at that time. GFLAGS was helping a crash happen there. Could also hose memory subtly.
Added new API functions to get number of midi out ports and their names. Also added optional param at the end of MIDI.SendMIDI() and MIDI.SendSysEx() which is the optional midi out port.
Incremented the script api level to 6
Fix for creating lane during recording. Was not using DisplayOffset() - the sound object knows where it is going when the UpdateRecordingForStage() function is called.
fixed punch in / out clip muting logic for replace mode
added drum forge mapping
Fixed Russian language assert debug
Leaving the project dirty if something failed to load.
missing sounds during a load are now added to the error log/screen
Fixed selected note disappearing on hover.
Removed unnecessary locking. We do not paint clips in the piano roll during recording.
updated pipe-read timeouts for VST3 shell
making the plugin dialog PRESET_CHANGE_EFFECT handler more efficient
minor vst3 shell optimization - eliminating a buffer copy
#1640 Instrument buttons on mixer panel do not respond to mouse hover
#1639 Mixer instrument panel - Undo remove instrument, it does not show up (Beta only)
Ensure that for tempo change to occur, it must be between two tempo markers not just tempo points.
forgot to hook up PLAYBACK_STARTED and PLAYBACK_STOPPED for controller scripts
#1641 Able to get crash/freeze by not selecting instrument in instrument panel
Now looking up missing sounds in more than the 3 built-in libraries
Was returning previewtrack when scanning for track by id and track could not be found in sndengine which caused a new crash in beta builds only
speed enhancements and optimizations related to drawing midi data.
Also fix for painting during recording.
more vst3 shell cleanup
Fixed focus related issues where it was testing sound tab focus when the focusing code was simply setting the details tab to be focused. This lets moving notes up/down work properly you can be in clip area, mouse wheel over piano roll and hit the keyboard to move notes up/down.
workflow enhancement - if mousewheeling, it now sets the active part of the interface. As I was making a song, I kept zooming and then expecting the piano roll keys to work...or select all to affect the piano roll. It works with audio editor, midi editors. (Only when using the mousewheel over those areas) It also lets you set the piano roll edit mode regardless if it is the active interface.
Added new Midi function to consolidate a few functions. Added new api to trigger live midi.
Bug fixes for Akai key 25 script
#1627 Zombie FX boxes are back in safe mode
bulletproofing looping - somehow I got my loop points to be 0,0...and that no good. I think I got this with the controller somehow.
updated script launchkey 49 with long press feature to toggle arm status
fix for shell scanning issue
more VST3 shell optimization and cleanup
Melodyne 5.04.01004 ( an update)
#1618 Add Lane is in prefs twice
fixed launchkey 49 script to not work in basic mode as the messages do not come in...for the extended pot mode.
Get selected track was using wrong fader to track conversion
fixed loading of projects with audio slots.
New scripts for Akai/APCKEY25.js and nanoKONTROL2.js
Fixed freeze issue when attempting to set fader of negative value on poorly programmed Behringer xtouch
Was not able to link controller with new javascript control surface script.
fixed a control surface freeze if due to unprepareheader call looping forever until it received NO_ERROR. Not the best. (Was in Mackie, Tranzport, GenericButtonController and JavaScriptController
3) Was accidentally controlling the wrong tracks if number of tracks < the number of faders on control surface or linked control surface.
more VST3 shell optimization
Installer bug where it was overwriting a file making customer redownload latest drum maps.
more efficient processing of audio/MIDI buffers in VST3 safe mode----
Now logging script api level for those building controller scripts
added silly assert
Added a function for the control surface manager to see if a script that has not loaded is a new javascript control surface.
New Launchkey 49 script
#1610 This plugin is silent when running in safe mode
Fixes for non public versions regarding one perf lane / track.
added get tick count to controller api
#1494 Preset goes back to first in list
#1517 In Mixcraft 9, you can type the first letter of a value and it will auto-fill in the library, but that's not happening in 10.
listview bug - wasn't checking that button-down and button-up rows matched in button-up processor
fix for mem leak issue related to free audio node buffers.
more MRU list tweaks
set start-dialog MRU list min column width to 100
admin preference to enable logging in plugin shell apps now working for VST2s, too
admin preference to enable logging in plugin shell apps working for VST3s
monitoring is now turned off when freezing/ undo brings it back.
refreezing via undo calls PreChill() which was in the project function when it should have been in the PCMAudTrack::Chill()
scanning and vst3 shell fixes
new nektar script - still need to see about adding control for showing instruments, etc. (Not uploaded yet)
fixed repaint when not on the gui thread to use a rectangle list - we were losing now we add to a list of Rectangles and that fixes it for things like controllers changing the fader on a track.
Added controller scripting: added notification for show/hide perf panel. added getSnappedTime() function for scripts. Added a couple of new handy dandy measure <-> time functions for controller scripts
Fixed controller scripts loop apis to use time and not measures for control surface scripts.
VST3Shell command-line issue
proper shutdown for vst3shell when passed in an invalid command line
null ptr bulletproofing related to sidechain plugins
logging GUID when a VST3 gets scanned for the first time
fix for controller being on the disabled list - it was not opening the midi device.
Old bug.
zoom was not restoring for audio and midi clips
Bug #1573, you can now start recording after the punch in/out section if there's also a loop section. Logic for starting on the next loop is now working correctly.
freezing audio track now disables tuner, monitor button and sets the slidevil into level mode (if it was in tuner mode)
fix for not showing disabled midi devices on arm menu.
Vst scanning no-error-dialogs code
Do not allow user to change master track name - on load we no longer let the user set the name from the loaded project
The user attempted to record but didn't realize that they had it armed for perf panel recording.
fixed replace mode for 2 cases when not looping/punching. Full containment of other clips and also partial containment.
fixed download product logic
Removed some code that checked to see if the project was loading. Not sure why that was there. (Was not populating the sidechain text when loading a project)
fixed reinstall and subsequent restart logic so that if doing a build check, it does not clear the install before it gets around to presenting this install to the user.
Bulletproofed recording effects when muted/unmuted. It was possible to mute an effect that was set up to record on a track.
Bulletproofed for null situation during recording.
Mixcraft installer: If version of file is newer or fresher than the one on the server we do not prompt to reinstall.
New template due to misspelled text in project notes
Fix listview cursor issue - was possible to get cursor stuck as left/right resize cursor if the cursor was over one of the title bar's column boundaries just before dragging it off the listview altogether
New mute plugins when not in use (saves cpu) option so that people can turn it off and have the plugins make sound all the time. This gets rid of the 10-second non-activity timeout.
Fixed crash related to master automation
Only javascript control surfaces will sync PP to faders by default. Can be turned off via api, as well.
Control surface now syncs the fader bank with the pp grid. So if you move the row it also moves the control surface fader control track offset...allowing people to change volume/pan, etc.
Now defaulting to one performance lane per track. There is a new pref which allows users to go back to multiple PP lanes per track on the project pref page. If a project was previously created in a previous version it will always create the performance lanes.This was an important step to sync up the performance panel with the fader control bank for control surfaces.
bullet proofed output track device. If device name is not found, we default to existing index id and load that
fixed editing from transport - key, time sig and scale now edit the previous marker with appropriate changes...versus editing the most recent marker.
fix for unnecessary refreeze when dropping a midi file
fixed second issue with clip envelopes - using +1 loop button was not lengthening the clip envelopes of non visible envelopes
fixed a plugin downloading issue where Melodyne would not install. When restarting Mixcraft, it would clear any plugins that did not need to install - but it was defaulting to checking by build number...which is not what we want to do in this case...unless it is only checked by build number.
fix for up/down tempo glitch
fixed midi merge issue with looped clips and envelopes.
Also added tooltip for output track output devName
vst3 shell updates
Added prescribed fix to call deactivateAudioSourceForUndoHistory() when reactivating a previously deactive melodynesamplereader. Not sure if it works - but doesn't seem to do any harm. (I could not repro problem with the release version of Melodyne)
There was one case in the MidiFile.cpp code where it may have been possible to delete a track when the track was not added in the function.
added more logging for when markers are added
added better logging so we know what this is related to for MidiFile::Load()
fix for crash/overflow if dragging an effect to a track that it was previously sidechained to.
Making java scripting smoother by not calling things async.
fixed loading project so it restores selected track
switching to sound tab was not causing the selected clip to show the wrench which tells the user which sound is in the sound tab. (minor)
log filename if failed to open peak
more shell error handling etc.
Changed all com to use apartment model. Multithreaded model is only good if we aren't safe with threads.
fixed an incorrect progress setter - that also resulted in a crash. The original crash has been fixed in 599 - but this fix will make it look visually correct when slicing based on warp makers.
made setvolume instant instead of delayed via async
if stem separting, you need to have at least one track type selected.
Bug #1522, added bullet-proofing to prevent Sample Rate of 0 in the future.
fixed stem separation crash ( user hit [x] go away on top right ) Never tested that and it resulted in a crash if separating
added logging for startwindow
Removed log statement for MIDI drop down
added more detail in dialog resize log statement so we know what dialog is resizing
Made log statement make more sense. The word VST was meant to mean any version of VST, such as VST2 or VST3...but we hear VST and assume VST2. But it could be either.
found a little glitch in TempoMap::Transpose() - while it worked, the code's loop was flawed.
added select time and loop region if right clicking on timeline between markers
added a (double) to cast an int to a double before doing a division. Probably won't change anything, but lint was whining
lint: fixed a few calculations that might be off but probably aren't due to the values they can be normally. Block align is not odd unless it is 8 bit mono. As long as dwSize is a multiple of 2, this won't change anything except make lint happy
delinting - fixed some unused vars, unnecessary casts, some comments and an issue where integer div lost value a bit when zipping up
added stem sep logging showing what the user has chosen as options and filepaths
fixed memory corruption issue - I cannot repro though - but the dmp showed the memory overwrite potential. Was updating string without knowing the size. Issue has been there since 2014!
fixed featured sort and also added a green circle on items in store to show it is owned.
Added new store default sort method called "Featured"
Added code to detect if avx instructions are supported and we now show a dialog informing the user.
Track.GetVolume() needs to return 0 to 1 to be consistent with Track.SetVolume()
better logging for missing preset
restored/fixed create project checkbox on file save dialog
fixed end date for sales if it was showing a day of the week as the end time.
IE: Ends Mon or Ends Tue
Fixed edit controls and spinner on marker list.Was not able to blank out items as you could in Mx9. Now you can.
Added ability to select time and loop time from markers and hotkeys
added tooltip for grayed out tempo slope so people are not as confused.
added tooltip for track color changer.
scan VST3s in safe mode by default
switching from preferred to non preferred asio mode no longer switches to lowest sample rate.
Not using mChain to lock effect - getting the chain from the effect instead. (Effect Dialog)
added MixcraftVST3.exe to signing and publish batch files
increased max upload to 200 mb. This is before zipping size.
Also adding logging to decon for inst Output Track
Defaulting to build check if plugins cannot be found...we don't want to get into a install/download loop.
fixed drop down assert that actually was pointing out that in Japanese the hot key set drop down was garbled.
updated build for Language product
Updated fonts for Chinese/Japanese
int index = envelope->GetPointIndexBeforeTime(startPointTime);
could return -1 resulting in a nullptr later down the line
bulletproofed for GetSelectedTrack() which can return null sometimes. (=
better logging for melodyne
#1488 Garbled Japanese characters in the hot key area
new script to reverse a build from archive
Added backslash validation technology. Backslash AI (tm)
thread issue for rare mem corruption issue
VST3 shell app added
Bulletproofing - fix for div by zero.
Bulletproofing for customer crash
fixed looplibrary path stuff so that there is a backslash. also fixed default lib location.
Fixes mix down vst3 freeze for bug #1474
Better logging for a few customer issues.
Reduced download logging to only log when a download’s percentage changes.
update language file build
new turkish, japanese, german, italian, polish, slovenian strings
added logging for continuing downloads.
also restored logging of download percentages.
bulletproofing/workaround for melodyne convert audio to midi crash
Added better logging to show that the refObj->Copy failed.
#1461 If you select an external MIDI device, it doesn't populate the Synth dropdown
#1479 Crash while template loaded and clicked the new project button
always setting a default library path now
bulletproofing for nullptr deref in build 587
Added logging for installing the libaryPath.txt file
when adding a product from the mixcraft store we no longer show a dialog saying everything is up to date.
Added logging for stem sep
infoviewer handling naked urls better - also handling multi-line urls (separating it into multiple url rectangles for one)
proper TCHAR conversion when logging VST3 shell GUIDs
more track color stuff
logging GUIDs for VST3 shell plugins
Fixed log statement to reference Stem Separation
#1465 Menu crash / hide editor still in there - new crash
more video color stuff
do not show credit string if value is $0.00
#1472 Setting video track color does not change video clips on track
fix for dragging locked audio clip linked to video track - we no longer allow dragging clips linked to a locked clip.
newly duplicated frozen file needed to be added to the recorded list.
duplicating frozen tracks optimization
Store credit display now links to and shows a web hand cursor
warning said to use std::abs instead of juce::abs64 so I did like a good programmer
bulletproofed weird situation where Melodyne might have failed with copying the ACMObject
#1458 CTRL+S when typing in project notes, deletes what you typed
Slightly better optimizations on arming/disarming/monitoring.
Bulletproofed for missing rewire device on OnUndelete() of Rewire track.
Bulletproofing for rare crash where clip had null track ptr in live performance manager.
Fix for restarting playback of midi track when adjusting loop. Better note off control.
Fix for adjusting time signature on brand new marker dialog. Was getting messed up due to logic error.
Fix for instrument effect chain not updating/syncing on mixer properly with new instrument quick access panel.
Added in two missing constants for the control surface api.
If user saves project and types in myproj.mx10, we double check that there isn't a ‘myproj’ folder and if there is, we ask if they want to overwrite it. (only when saving a project folder.)
Incremented javascript api level to 3
Added Track.IsMonitoring(fader index, opt bool for actual track num) and Track.Monitor(fader index, bool, opt bool for actual track num)
Added two new notifications: MM.TRACK_SEND_CHANGE - data1 = faderNum, data2 = send num and MM.TRACK_COLOR_CHANGE = data1 = faderNum of track that changed color.
Fixed rare crash with hitting new project with hidden master track and auto on master track.
Was not clearing removed items from the start project window's list of previous projects - IF the user removed items and then loaded a project or did something without hitting the [x] box on the dialog.
storing file version when scanning plugins
When saving from a template, we no longer populate the file dialog with a default name based off the template as it resulted in a problem saving over an existing folder if using the default name.
Fix for not adding templates to mru list when installing them
Power button tooltip changed to "deactivate/activate" instead of deactivate effect/activate effect
Added try/catch around AsioMixingOpen()
Bulletproofing for case where ScrollingParent() returns null - thanks to user reported auto-crash.
Added download record check for pro template installation. (For installer)
Resource for Pro Studio build now will read "Mixcraft 10 Pro Studio"
Fixed school install mode where user clicks "FX" button on master bar.- Thanks to user reported auto-crash.
Bulletproofed guienvelope - got weird crash when deleting clip - envelope somehow got called and had a GetMainWindow() of null. - thanks to user reported auto-crash.
Bulletproofed tooltip code
Bullet proofed no melodyne situation if project was saved with melodyne - may not help.
Bulletproofed -1 index on array for generic button controller. Moved logic into safe area. A few user report crashes had this issue.
Fixed master track hidden bugs related to effect controllers. (Thanks to user reported auto-crash.)
Now if default drum map preset column is blank in the drum map we load assume it is -1 which has no preset.
Bug #1421, fixed Flac 8-bit mixdown.
Added cr-78 to drum maps
Fixed replace mode recording issue when stopping before next recording has started.
Undo node created for adding marker during playback or recording
Workaround for fromISO8601/toISO8601 bug that could cause unnecessary plugin scans
Japanese & Turkish text was updated.
Fix for alt-drag crash from performance panel to alphasampler or omnisampler. (Thanks to user reported auto-crash.)
More restricted drop target areas
Make sure CMultiChainContainer::UpdateButtonStates() gets called when adding a new plugin
Fixed audio editor drag spot.
Another bullet proofing for ProjectTrack() being nullptr in an odd case in the performance panel. (Thanks to user reported auto-crash.)
Bulletproofed for slot->ProjectTrack() being nullptr (Thanks to user reported auto-crash.)
Fixed library freeze with import dialog browse button. Would have affected other browse scenarios as well. (Thanks to user reported auto-crash.)
Added code to ensure effect dialog is always removed from the effect dialog pointer list store in project. (Thanks to user reported auto-crash.)
Added id logging to effect dialog
Fixed typo in script accessing library info
Showing marker placement during playback again
Update auto lane to default before deleting effects on master track.
If master track was hidden, some code was deleting the effects for the wrong track!!! (Thanks to user reported auto-crash.)
Must call DeleteEffectChain with -1 for track num.
Faster store updating product count on store tab.
Fixed template loading from factory area in program data so that it does not go to the mru list
A flaw discovered in range checking when loading a project with a missing send track. fxSendNumber was 0 and the number of sends was 0. Needed to be >= instead of >
removing redundant logging in vstshell . (Thanks to user reported auto-crash.)
Bullet proofed creating preview sound where it failed to create a pcm buffer.
Bullet proofed function trying to access track->GetPCMTrack()->armed where GetPCMTrack() was returning nullptr. (Thanks to user reported auto-crash.)
Bulletproofed no preview track situation.
Added some more bullet-proofing for melodyne
Added some bullet proofing for keys - must be from 0 to 11. (Thanks to user reported auto-crash.)
#1386 Project search results should contain "all" criteria, rather than "any"
#1398 Deselecting column headers on the new project dialog isn't persistent + listview search controls correctly parse quoted strings
Help links for arm menus
#1396 Alt+drag instrument to FX slot, remove, undo, crash:
Added the save revisions dialog
Added support for new AI machine learning Stem Separation feature.
New feature - quick access for instruments and instrument effects to the right of the instrument icon on a track.
Wrong string on ogg dialog
Added warning icons for bad plugins (Seen in the plugin manager)
Fixed Step editor voice defaults maintaining voices in the correct order.
Fixed autoscrolling in the piano roll to be consistent with the track area.
Improved effect dialog logic for showing/hiding the effect dialog.
#1370 Favorites category shows 0:
#1369 Crash right-clicking on an instrument favorite
Fixed marker dialog to not allow bad tempos via spinner control
Changed min_tempo to 20 bpm instead of 40.
Fixed stuck note with note straddling loop end (in performance panel)
Fixed minor glitch with track regions not updating after dragging to the performance panel
Added new api for scripting. Perform.SetGlobalQueueMode() Perform.SetGlobalRecordMode(int numbars) // but only takes 1,2,4,8,12,16,32 and 64 bars Perform.DeleteClip(int row, int col); // You asked for it. Mixcraft.ZoomHorizontal(double val) // 0 to 1.0 Mixcraft.ZoomVertical(double val); // 0 to 1.0
Bulletproofing for situation where instrument output bus was -1 in save data.(Thanks to user reported auto-crash.)
Patch for weird error with keyboard control not finding an image.
Fixed delete mapping on midi control surface dialog
No longer popping up the install dialog if the user is in a modal dialog already. (Thanks to user reported auto-crash.)
We no longer attempt to group regions based on adjacent clips. Two adjacent clips that do not overlap would constitute two track regions. There is no easy way to join track regions...but the user can resize a clip or place a clip that straddles them for now.
Fixed crash when dragging a performance panel clip from a loaded project was deleting itself on a drag abort. (Thanks to user reported auto-crash.)
If a store product changed from having a download to no longer having a download, we need to know that it cannot be uninstalled.
Drawing MIDI clip notes 2 pix high now - they looked too thin on the clip.
Got rid of the selection in MIDI clips as we do not draw that anymore and was a waste of CPU.
In the step editor, fixed a little drawing glitch after choosing a voice that was already in use
Dragging clips from the performance panel to tracks in the correct order now
Fixed store - allowing user to reinstall if uninstalled
Fixed replace mode recording issue at non-120 bpm.
Now reading lib location from file to better coordinate between installer and software.
Bug #1344, audio output can now be recorded from Alpha Sampler, Omni Sampler, and Omni Sampler 8-Out
Bulletproofed piano roll quantize
Fixed takes mode when looping - no longer muting sections of clips after recording stops.
Fixed issue starting recording after punch area with loop recording on
No longer showing Russian, Chinese and Japanese strings in Acoustica effects…we now show English.
Editing tempo in transport now adjusts proper tempo if play indicator is beyond last tempo marker.
Fixed first run dialog to scan vsts if you hit cancel.
After closing wait dialog while it was possible to click edit again as it was loading the updated sound.This is b/c the Message Loop is called during loading to keep the cancel button working.
Added logging to know what editor user is using to edit in external editor.
Added script name to logging functions so they appear in the log file with the script name in them like "Script test: "
Fixed some param validation in javascripting for controllers
Edit note dialog. User crashed after clicking on ok and the selected note list was empty - and the code was referencing an old count value of the list.
Fix for potential automation crash - should not happen - but bulletproofed
Adding build field to log/crash files uploads
Added bullet proofing for CPCMAudTrack::GetChannelSettings()
Bulletproofed MixToStems.
Also fixed a few string issues in effect list view and FXListDialog for Russian.
Added memory logging so we can log stuff during playback if there is a crash. This will help make Mixcraft even more solid.
Bulletproofing for moving a sound file that had no buffer() - when saving a new project.
If offline, we show a status about it on the status bar
Sine controller drawing fix.
#1314 If you switch mouse buttons in Windows mouse settings, you can't move dialog boxes
Ran into crash after duplicating a track - added null check
Logging plugin version info when plugins get loaded
Updated plugin-mods.csv (NI plugins that require skipping QueryViewCapabilities)
Allow more text to show up on the crash reports page
Update plugin-compatilibity database so we can specify VST3s that crash if you call QueryViewCapabilities() on them
Added logging when loading the libraries in libraries-db.txt and also removing duplicate library refs b/c a customer kept iterating through all the files in the db forever for some reason.
Added bulletproofing for menu where the buttons were null and we were referencing them. (Edge case)
Bulletproofing for scenario where recording device was removed during recording.
Plugin-compatiblity database upgrades
Fixed infinite loop when loading an effinaudcontrol with corrupt data.
Bullet proofing for peaks return null in the middle of reading peaks. User may have moved the clip as it was reading?
Possible fix for removing deleted objects from capture or hover status if they have no window.
#1304 Auto crash from customer shows dangling pointer related to dropdown (via dmp file)
Added bulletproofing for odd crash in noise redux when loading project
Nullptr when getting selected controller mover adjuster was not checking for nullptr when trying to get a controller by id.
Fixed soloize issue related to some dangling selected note object pointers.
Fixed refreeze when only name or trivial stuff is changed. We should only refreeze if time, tempo or key changes.
#1293 Adding automation lanes makes the parent track shrink
MIDI sysex fix for javascript controllers
Fixed Russian issue deleting empty folder
Added function that lets others know if the audio clip has been modified enough to change the audio.
Also fixed render to wave issue with Russian file names.
Fixed arm/mute issues for plugins that are being actively recorded.
Fix for using tap tempo and clicking in track area...resulting in a bpm of 40
Fixed year in about info
Fixed linked track send crash
Now checking to see if languages and a few other folders exist and then if they don't we ignore the download record file and always install it.
Fixed some more German text issues
Fixed tempo env point issue showing up in remove time…related to a specific project.
Fixed title on instructions for store item
Fixed crossfade glitch when dragging clip with snap
Fixed slicing scenario where a slice was missed due to rounding error.
Fixed alt drag effect to the same track with automation lane showing. Undo was crashing.
Widened text edit fields for time sig on track marker dialog.
Fix for minimum sound tab height - was not accounting for audio sub-tab.
Added new right-click “Open Containing Folder” option.
Fix for controller scripts receiving sysex messages.
Fixed bug with remove/insert time and tempo automation.
Fixed setting tempo where it was incorrectly adding a tempo to a non-tempo marker.
New random track color feature (see the dice) in the prefs.
Fixed drum map issues when adding new clip.
fixed missing build number (revision) for items if catalog was wiped out. This prevented user from right clicking in prefs on product on account page to redownload it.
Added optimization to sleep internet thread during playback : result is faster downloading of products.
Missing ASIO device no longer leaves tracks armed when loading project.
#1255 Cannot record automation with this project past measure 2 or so.
Now supporting creating zip files > 4 gb when exporting to files.
Fixed timeline sel rect to match the sel rect exactly. It turns out that calling Set() on the timeline was doing nothing and was not snapping the value. ( End result was if mixing to stems with time selection on - it was not exactly right)
fixed bug with undo/redo of instrument plugin preset changes
resetting plugin buffer seems to be fixed by adding a releaseResources() before prepareToPlay() - end result : Mixing down with Strum VST3 from 48000 with audio settings to 44100 was resulting in an out of tune mix down (fixed). It’s possible this could fix other VST3 mixdown issues.
Tweaked search on store to not include the category
Store tab sale ends text was too big when it said "Ends Wednesday"
add default track color preference for more track types
#1243 Can't select custom presets with Messiah 2 or ME80 v2.5
fixed unfreezing track saved with a project when shutting down
fixed auto arm undo issue with midi tracks.
bug dragging to unmaximize detached details tabs (this bug was only present in developer builds of 580)
logging out if pro studio, reverts it to rec studio look with deleting every single product. Some users were seeing products uninstalled that were never installed.
Optimized drawing of cropped mesh graphic in piano roll
fixed peaks after recording. End result is that warping a newly recorded audio clip will now move the waveform when warping.
fixed audio editor - was not able to set start time before current start time.
fixed loop mode undo bug
Fixed the clip colors for selection.
Now supports the option to upload logs and crash reports directly from Mixcraft
Added "Show Detected Beats" for warped sounds.
Fixed ability to grab start time if intersecting with warp marker
Operations happen at snapped right click location in audio editor again
Couple tweaks to ensure we get the latest installation instructions.
#1130 Customer keeps losing plugins and has to re-scan to get them back, only to lose them again
#128 VST3 preset saving issue
fix issue deleting VST3 preset when there's only one user preset
don't display presets that don't have names
allow minimum column width setting for dropdowns
make sure news-loading thread terminates before closing new-project dialog
More help links from within the software. Notice the new ? buttons on windows.
#1236 Mouse wheel scrolls news and project list simultaneously + more help (includes strings file changes)
Drum map fixes
Fixed punch in/out bug where it was not allowing recording if you had hidden punch in/out and then attempted to record without punch in/out after where the punch in/out region was.
Fixed control surface not updating on project load we had optimized it to not update during loading. I added a new message to update the control surface which is sent after loading
#1234 Plugin version text issue + help basically wrapped up (includes changes to strings file)
#1250 Download error when dropping an undownloaded library clip onto a track
#1248 Error replacing legacy or renamed synths
make sure a dialog's title bar is onscreen after it gets shown
#1240 Russian character issue with start panel
#1228 Entering nothing in Control Surface Details Val column causes crash when you click away:
command line username/email for school install needs to be lower case
cut whole/copy whole/delete whole commands added to Hotkeys
Deleted template file continues to show up in the template drop down
#976 Bring back the option to re-arrange plugin collections
#1202 Deadlock deleting meter when plugin has both an audio controller and an LFO controller:
#1201 Publish button gives error for loop developers
#1541 MIDI Controller assignments unintentionally jumping from track to track
#1199 MVP samples don't work when dropped onto a track
#1067 Zipping unicode project does not work - partly fixed; can zip up unicode audio files now and unzip them, but file names are mangled
Update plugin-collections master plugin list after manual rescans (via the rescan-plugins buttons) so that new manually-scanned plugins show up in the plugin manager during the current Mixcraft session
Was returning false when we needed to return true for a plugin update from the Mixcraft store. In the future, more products will download and install automatically. (But this code checks the installed version and no longer will download if the latest version is already there.)
#2065 Add ability to sort plugins by date added in plugin manager
Fixed filter automation on MIDI tracks
Fixed two library editing issues related to copying/pasting to the time signature field, and key signature not accepting flats properly
Fix for Komplete Kontrol VST2 window size
Fixed a minor painting issue on timegrid at 110% scaling
Running the rescan-plugins command in preferences or plugin manager will now do a full rescan of all shell plugins (such as Waves)
Fixed a step editor crash when dragging when choosing a single note. Also no longer closes the dialog after a click.
Fixed an issue causing no sound or context menu in step editor on the voice buttons on the left; this was related to a fix in 578 regarding tooltips
Fixed an issue for duplicated audio tracks resulting in an extra MIDI control module
New Chinese language strings
Small optimization for deleting items in huge library MLDB file
Fixed the issue where we were showing the [x] create project folder checkbox and another control in the case where you chose saving as...and then switched folders and then switched to a mix-down format.
Update categories list box counts when importing to or deleting from the library
Dialogs SafeDelete() now removes all observers from objects that are getting queued for deletion - This fixes a very rare crash that happened to one customer.
Logging a few preferences it would be useful to know about for customer support.
#1131 Crash related to showing a menu drop-down in the Start Window and loading a project without dismissing men
Now deleting desktop shortcuts that may have been created by the software
Fixed toggling tempo with editing tempo value - was not updating clips of the tempo change.
Fixed special case when dragging an effect - things could get out of whack. This bug cropped up related to a recent change
#1101 It would be nice if pressing enter when browsing Freesounds in the library downloaded the sound…and now ya can.
#805 Add [All] and [None] buttons underneath the checkbox to show manufacturers on the plugin manager.
Added code to remove Melodyne or any other plugin, for that matter, from the to-be-installed list if the version that is detected on the system is the same or newer than the one on our site. (Usually, people might notice this if Mixcraft Pro Studio is installed from the installer vs. letting it auto-upgrade from the trial.)
Better logging for plugin version check
Some VST3 logging
Not allowing cogs to be resumable downloads
#1025 Autoscale option should not be available for plugins that have no GUI
#1097 plugin detail info at the bottom of the plugin manager still showing after the item is no longer visible
#1120 Why is Ableton live listed as disabled, in the rewire menu? Fixed..
More VST3 logging. (You just can’t have enough!)
#1114 Delete an entry from the recent projects list, it doesn't get removed…now it does.
Fixed rare crash in the performance panel that also affected v9. Added reference counts to QueuedSoundInfo objects and turned them into classes. This is because it copies a pointer and due to timing it was possible to get a bad pointer to a QueuedSoundInfo, in case ya wanted to know. This is now working properly
#1105 Shift + space plays the sound in the sound tab, but the playback button does not update.
Minor glitch setting the current loop length in the sound tab. Also, fixed sub-tab text to be centered.
Was accidentally edited the set header name when clicking the play button on the set.
Menu optimizations broke the Track|Lanes submenu
Bug #1119, fixed Convert Audio To MIDI to properly handle silence at the end of the audio clip.
Fixed missing scroll bar issue when starting up with project with many markers
Fixed loop issue after changing tempo
Moved the resetting of buffer size out of CD burn thread and into gui thread where it is expected. Do people still burn CDs? (=
Now supporting resumable downloads - also good for PS. This will cut down on bandwidth for users and Acoustica.
Made mapped effect control track pointer use a track ID to be less crashy
Added lock around HasGUI() as we have seen VSTs doing processing in their GUIs during this time. (This will help with a few odd VST3s that crashed due to us calling HasGUI() just to see if it has a GUI, but they used it for extra GUI processing which was a problem if the sound engine was mixing it at the time.)
A few main menu tweaks and optimizations. Hopefully, it is faster for those who experience a slight delay when clicking the menu.
Huge plugins no longer have their title bar off the top of the screen when centering them..
Track names now show tooltips and have a bit more horizontal space.
Fixed merging two MIDI clips so voice order is retained.
Easier to read muted track names in light-skin mode.
Can now check “Use Marker Titles” when rendering even if only one track has a CD marker.
Fixed bad index when deleting instrument with automation in position #1 on an effect chain.
Optimized function looking up track index which should result in speed gains in a variety of functions related to clips and/or tracks.
Was unable to move the “Waiting” dialog when editing in an external editor
Editing in an external editor with the original audio file resulted in a blank wave file in some cases. (It played properly but showed silence)
Right-clicking on ghost note and switching to clip was not updating the wrench.
Fixed icon updater code on the desktop
Fixed unfold loops ctrl+drag in one continuous drag.
Added a better way to set the tempo via tap tempo without disrupting the current tempo until after a 2-second delay.
Right-clicking on an image or video clip and selecting one of the rotate options will rotate all selected clips instead of just the one that got clicked on, to match the behavior of other clip-menu options
#1020 Video orientation not being reverted with undo
#1158 Russian language issue with the plugin manager
Bug #1164, fixed loading projects with MidiRouter to register with the destination track at the end of the project load.
Bug #1160, fixed the FX dialog's MIDI Source which wasn't working on MIDI tracks.
#1159 Scale percentage in the main menu doesn't match the selected scale
Fixed - restored alt+shift+ctrl drag to copy selected notes whilst preserving the offset
Disabled tooltips for error dialog and install dialog.
Fixed Edit in External wait dialog to be moveable
Edit in External editor fix: no longer drawing blank waveform during parsing
Fixed a bug where the channel panel was not carrying over to a new track when duplicating
Fixed issue with selecting clips with selection rect when automation lane and master track were showing. (Was not copying the bottom clip)
Fixed icon on Freesound listview
Fixed replace mode when not loop recording.
Fixed undo/redo issue related to tracks with effect automation.
Restored tooltips on knobs
Labels were misaligned on the tag-info dialog.
Fixed crash playing some library sounds in build 577.
The version number of Mixcraft has been updated to 10.1 to reflect the number of improvements made in stability, usability, connectivity, and support mechanisms added to Mixcraft 10 since its initial release.
No longer adjusting size of Sound tab unless Melodyne is visible; tab height corresponds to other tabs
Fixed: Could not press Enter to preview loops when in Browse your Computer mode
Fixed: Incorrect Favorites count
Fixed: CC menu didn't show which ones are in use with the Light theme
Fixed: Text track now loads with renamed text
If user uninstalls a Store item, they still have the option to disable the download in the Preferences under Account
Patcher/Updater now updates correct product in Add/Remove Programs
Integrated install dialog ensures latest text is always visible for larger installs
Added some bullet-proofing for audio recording in case a recording cannot be created
Fix for rare but old crash resulting from clicking on the flag button and modifying a marker on the marker list
Fixed hover issue with envelopes when leaving clip
Fixed Flexaudio to work on entire edge of clip
Fix for Replace mode not properly replacing clips in certain scenarios
Fix for punch in/out not being reset properly on new projects
No longer including recording clips in track regions
Fixed split red line to no longer display after splitting clips via ctrl+alt and mouse and then undoing the split
Fixed issue for creating a super small (< 3 ms) split
If no clips, track region disabled
Regions now include locked clips - in this way, alt drag and copy and paste work. However, if any clip is locked in a region, the region will be locked. User can right-click the region to unlock everything easily. Mixcraft now shows '[Locked]' on track region if ANY clip is locked.
Fixed uninstall of bundles with downloadable child products
Removed track shadows which did not look proper in scaled mode
Tooltip on clips title is now displayed if too short to see entire title
Bullet-proofing for crash in a rare case dragging a video clip with a locked MIDI/Audio clip
No longer installing Languages folder to Program Files
Fix to enable editing of Performance Panel Set Names
Fixed crash that resulted from saving after duplicating track, undo, redo, delete -> save
Fixed offline dialog in Russian and other languages
Fixed Mix to Stems dialog to open file dialog properly (now prevents multiple opens)
Fixed rare issue where preview track might not display an automation lane
Reset “Paused” label on library search control after recording ends
Fixed crash related to adding Melodyne, going back to editor mode, and then warping
Editing a sound in an external editor now prompts with option to remove warp data
Fix for rare crash related to frequency view on the Mixer
Logging improvements (for improved support):
Fixed logging of input/output name
Added logging of library path
Added logging for disable dpi awareness
Added logging ARA Melodyne version
Less verbose logging for plugins
Zipping up log files will now include a dmp file as long as the entire zip file does not exceed 100 MB, uncompressed
Additional fixes for loading and mixing down large WAV files greater than 4GB
Improved handling of RF64 type WAV files
Fix for offline activation for certain international languages
"Note Properties" and "Snap to Scale" now available when Sound tab or Piano roll is detached
Fixed changing Library folder
Added Save Language when saving preferences
Fixed an infinite loop that could result when right-clicking in an area outside of a column in a listview
User can now change default Library folder without running as Admin
Resized Edit Sound dialog
Improved static frame display and other issues for time-stretched videos
Resolved rare character display issue in video preview window
Improvements related to reading/writing files with Unicode names
Oscilloscope signal no longer displays for Master track during merge operation
Fixed issue where notes could not be moved and certain controls were unavailable when the details area was undocked
Installer now enforces the specified minimum of Windows 7 SP1 or greater
Improved Status bar operations
Fixed drawing measure text at high measure counts of greater than 4000
If loading a submix that isn't available, Mixcraft now creates one
When collapsing a track, the caret now moves to parent track
Added Undo Freeze for invert and clear automation
Fixed MIDI clips not displaying properly on submix or automation tracks
Fixed "DIV by zero" issue related to finding a silent area with noise reduction
Fixed issue related to setting track color for clips on the Performance panel
Fixed a text drawing issue in the Library
Fixed an error that duplicated the Parametric EQ Mid2 knob
Added option to disable Temp Snap Off using the Shift key
Fixed output sub-menus to prevent parsing out channel info
When showing the Mixcraft Store tab, tabs are now aligned properly in case another is detached
If a control surface does not initialize, Mixcraft no longer attempts to update its rectangle for performance
Fix for crash when deleting video filter during playback
More flexible minimum heights for Details tabs
Fix for users mixing down with usernames containing non-English/Unicode characters
Addressed a rare memory corruption for some users accessing the Preferences settings
Improved handling of offline activation for some users who might run into issues
Fixed issue where Store tab comes back after detaching
Updating handling of window sizes and positioning for various Mixcraft views, including restoration of the maximized window position after Mixcraft view scale is changed
Added non-DPI aware option in Preferences for those who want older non-scaling plugins to look like they did in version 9 on their scaled monitors
Additional Melodyne tweaks
Fixed freeze related to linked Mackie control surfaces
Fixed a few control surface API calls
Fixed issue related to moving left or right side of loop region and no longer hiding selection (now similar to the implementation found in Mixcraft version 9)
Improved handling of project saving for filenames and folders with unicode charactersAdded ability to change master tempo via mouse wheel by clicking it and then scrolling the mouse wheel
Fixed issue removing non-English filenames from the recent projects
Other minor bug fixes and performance enhancements
Fixed issue related to showing plugins from previous versions of Mixcraft
Updated control surface to use only visible tracks in the mixer
Improved project saving process so that it now defaults to the current recording folder
Progress bar now displays when copying files when saving projects
Fixed mouse wheel issues to increment/decrement time controls
Hotkey editor search function improved
Fixes related to mNotepad and Obelisk plugins
Fixed tooltip for Piano Roll
Fixed issue related to drawing timegrid and snap mode
Fixed issue where some items in Mixcraft Store displayed as free
Improved handling to center windows for plugins without DPI awareness
Now logging all drive locations
Fixed alt dragging effect
Fix for reading MIDI control surfaces from version 9 and earlier
Added undock/dock and various detail tab shortcuts for Project, Sound, Mixer, Library
Added hotkey for 'Add Warp Marker'
"Add" and "Remove All Unused Lanes" menu options has been restored to the Track Header Lanes submenu
Fixed EULA in installer for non-English installers
Fixed 'edit sound' vs 'edit in external editor'
Fixed code related to display in the Mixcraft Remote app
Improved loop mode so that it recalls previous selection area when hidden
Fixed memory issues related to use of oscilloscope and uninstall dialog
Fixed bug that caused Effects to fail to appear on the "recently used" submenu
Other minor bug fixes and performance enhancements
Melodyne activation crash fixed
Added controller script API
Fixed controller script notifications to use fader index
Fixed rare effect dialog issue where it would not close
Fixed extreme warped audio drawing glitch during playback
Made light skin Detail tab resizer lighter
Statically linking the 32-bit VST host so that it does not require 32-bit redistributable
Reworked the instruction dialog in the store so that you can copy text
Fix for right-clicking to rescan plugins in the plugin manager
Now up to 256 ASIO inputs and outputs
Fixed marker view to show scroll bar on first view if necessary
Fixed a rare mixdown issue
Fixed issues with plug-in recording, especially loop recording
After choosing a meta-preset, you were not able to record the plugin
Libraries now will download their sounds to the user's library folder
Fixed issues with arming MIDI track for a plugin on a specific MIDI channel
Tooltip on recording source now showing when button is toggled
Fixed dragging-copying clips while preserving time offset using shift+alt+drag
Recording multiple plugins at time now works properly
Addressed issue that resulted in installing both RS and PS icons on desktop
Volume slider on metronome dialog was in a slightly wrong position
Synthlist view was using text instead of icon to calculate width of recording source column
Right click menus for clips on the performance panel were not showing current cue setting
New updater dialog shows download sizes, and you can sort by columns
Added new feature to check/uncheck items to download in the preferences on the Account page
Added EULA to the installer
Can scale less than 100% now for tiny monitors
Not showing uninstall menu in store if not a downloadable product
Added new zip logs feature for aiding in support
Fixed issue for arming plug-ins when loading a project
Was accidentally showing arm button on Recording Studio
Addressed issue so that built-in plug-ins without scaling ability to now display large enough to view
Disabled "Auto-Scale to Match Monitor Scale" for older Windows versions
Fixed Loop Mode undo/redo
Initial Release of Mixcraft 10