Mixcraft 10 has a custom controller script made for the AKAI APC mini MK2.
To load the controller script, open File > Preferences and select Control Surfaces from the left-hand side. In the Control Surfaces window, select APC mini mk2 as the Type, as the Input, and APC mini mk2 as the Output. Once those have been set, click OK.

Performance Panel Control
To open or close the Performance panel in Mixcraft, press SHIFT + STOP ALL CLIPS. This will toggle the Performance panel on and off.
Clip Management
To launch a clip, press the corresponding button on the grid. Pressing a grid button in the same row with no clip will stop any currently playing clip or record into that slot, assuming the track is armed.
Holding SHIFT + a grid clip button will delete a clip on that slot, assuming there is one.
The integration includes 3 fader modes that control what the faders do - VOLUME, PAN, and SEND. The fader mode is set by holding SHIFT + one of the applicable FADER CTRL buttons.
The integration includes 5 button modes that determine what the buttons above the faders do - STOP CLIP (transport mode), SOLO, MUTE, REC ARM, and SELECT. The button mode is set by holding SHIFT + the applicable SCENE LAUNCH button.
Button Modes
STOP CLIP MODE (Transport mode)
To enter Transport mode, press SHIFT + CLIP STOP. In Transport mode, the following button functions are available:
VOLUME BUTTON: Returns the playhead to the beginning of the timeline and starts playback.
PAN BUTTON: Plays the track. (think P for PLAY)
SEND BUTTON: Stops the track. (think S for STOP)
UP ARROW BUTTON: Moves back one marker (if applicable) and stops.
DOWN ARROW BUTTON: Moves to the next marker and stops (if applicable).
LEFT ARROW BUTTON: Rewinds the playhead from its current position.
RIGHT ARROW BUTTON: Fast forward the playhead from its current position.
Aside from the Transport mode, the following button modes are available:
SHIFT + SOLO: Solos the corresponding track.
SHIFT + MUTE: Mutes the corresponding track.
SHIFT + REC ARM: Arms the corresponding track for recording. When the performance panel is open, this will also arm the row of clips.
SHIFT + SELECT: Selects the corresponding track.
Shift Functions (in all button modes)
The following shift functions are available:
SHIFT + NAV UP/DOWN: Changes the bank of faders in focus by +8/-8.
SHIFT + NAV LEFT/RIGHT: Changes the bank of faders in focus by +1/-1.
Fader Mode Control
The following shift functions control the fader mode:
SHIFT + VOLUME: Changes the fader mode to volume.
SHIFT + PAN: Changes the fader mode to pan.
SHIFT + SEND: Changes the fader mode to send.
In Send mode, each fader corresponds to the first send (Send 1) of the corresponding track. If the SHIFT button is held down, the fader represents the send number of the currently selected track. For example, if track 6 is selected in your mixer and has 4 sends available, you can adjust the level of Send 3 by holding SHIFT and moving fader 3.
Please contact support if you have any feature requests or bug reports; we will update our control surface scripts as required to ensure you are getting the most out of your controller and Mixcraft 10!