Mixcraft 10.5 has a custom controller script made for the Novation Launchpad Pro MK3
To load the controller script, open File > Preferences and select Control Surfaces from the left-hand side. In the Control Surfaces window, select LaunchpadProMK3 as the Type, MIDIIN3 (LPProMK3 MIDI) as the Input, and MIDIOUT3 (LPProMK3 MIDI) as the Output. Once those have been set, click OK.
This particular unit requires the DAW controller to connect to MIDI3, so if it doesn't seem to be working double-check that you have the correct MIDI input and output set.

Shift - Used frequently for alternate functions of buttons.
Left & Right Navigation - Move the selected fader bank up or down by 8 channels in mixer mode. Shift + Left or Right navigation moves the fader bank selection by 1 track. When the grid is in fader mode, the faders will shift. When the grid is in performance (Session) mode, the clips adjust according to the bank of faders.
Clear + Left will zoom in horizontally.
Clear + Right will zoom out horizontally.
Session - Toggle the grid LEDs to reflect the clips in the performance panel. When the Clear button on the left row is held simultaneously, the Session button will close the performance panel. When the Shift + Session is pressed, the performance panel is reopened. Inversely the Volume, Pan, or Sends track control buttons will change the grid back to fader mode.
Note/Chord/Custom/Sequencer/Projects - these modes are all governed by the hardware and don't have any custom functions. MIDI notes from these modes will come in through LPProMK3 MIDI.

Up & Down Navigation - Move the selected fader bank up or down by 8 channels in mixer mode. Shift + Up or Down navigation moves the fader bank selection by 1 track. When the grid is in fader mode, the faders will shift. When the grid is in performance (Session) mode, the clips adjust according to the bank of faders.
Clear + Up will zoom in vertically.
Clear + Down will zoom out vertically.
Clear - Similar to the Shift button, this can work with other buttons for different outcomes. When the performance panel is open, holding Clear and selecting a clip pad on the grid will delete that clip. Clear can be used as an alt button for the navigation pads to zoom in and out.
Quantise - When a track is selected using the track control buttons in Volume (green) or Record Arm (red) track modes, the Quantise button will turn a corresponding color (see list below) if MIDI recording quantize is enabled. If the button is white, it is off. Pressing that button will toggle on or off the MIDI Recording Quantize. Pressing Shift + Quantise will cycle through the available quantize values, which are:
4th (green)
8th (blue)
16th (red)
32nd (pink)
4th triplets (pale green)
8th triplets (pale blue)
16th triplets (pale red)
Play - Toggle play on and off for Mixcraft.
Record - Toggle on Record in Mixcraft (in linear DAW mode).

Track Control Mode - the bottom row of buttons has Record Arm, Mute, Solo, Volume, Pan, Sends, and Stop Clip buttons. When one of these is selected, the row of buttons above will change their function and the grid may update the fader type and values. The faders can be either vertical or horizontal, depending on the mode, and will have four levels of values in each pad. You can tap a pad on the grid to cycle through those values and the corresponding level will be sent to Mixcraft. The brightness of the pad on the grid will indicate which of the four values it has sent. This offers a resolution of 32 values for vertical unipolar faders that are comprised of 8 pads and 16 values on each side of the bipolar horizontal faders that are used for the pan controls.
Pressing Shift + Record Arm will send an Undo message to Mixcraft (the same as ctrl + z).
Pressing Shift + Mute will send a Redo message to Mixcraft (the same as ctrl + shift + z).
Pressing Shift + Solo will toggle the click track state (metronome) in Mixcraft. If you don't hear the click when pressing this combination, check on the Metronome Settings in Mixcraft.
Record Arm, Mute, and Solo will maintain whichever fader type was last used on the grid. Volume, Pan, and Sends will update the fader type on the grid based on your selection.

Track Select - the row of buttons above the track controls are the track select buttons, which will apply the selected mode’s function to the track in Mixcraft.
Record Arm Mode - In this mode, all eight track select buttons will turn red. If the corresponding track in Mixcraft track is armed, it will flash on and off. Pushing a track select button will toggle the armed state of that track to on or off.
Clear + the track select button will toggle the input monitoring state (if the track is an audio track).
Mute - In this mode, all eight track select buttons will turn blue. If the corresponding track in Mixcraft track is muted, it will flash on and off. Pushing a track select button will toggle the muted state of that track to on or off.
Solo - In this mode, all eight track select buttons will turn yellow. If the corresponding track in Mixcraft track is soloed, it will flash on and off. Pushing a track select button will toggle the solo state of that track to on or off.
Volume - In this mode, all eight track select buttons will turn green. If the corresponding track in Mixcraft track is selected, it will flash on and off. Only one track can be selected at a time. When bank navigation occurs, the selected track always jumps back to the first track in that bank of 8.
Additionally, the Volume button will act as a means to revert the grid to fader mode from performance mode, changing the grid from clips to unipolar, vertical faders.
Pan - In this mode, all eight track select buttons will turn light blue and the faders will appear horizontally in a bi-polar format, meaning the first four pads, from left to center, will cover the left side of the pan range. The last four pads from center to right will cover the right side of the pan range. These pads also have four levels of values per pad, which can be cycled through for greater resolution. The Pans button will also act to revert the grid to fader mode from performance mode, changing the grid from clips to faders.
Sends - In this mode, the track select buttons will turn pink to represent the number of sends in your project. If you have 3 sends, there will be three pink buttons. Pressing the second one will refresh the faders to show send 2 – each fader will show values for the corresponding send value. Up to eight sends can be cycled through using the track select buttons (1-8). Additionally, the Sends button will act as a means to revert the grid to fader mode from performance mode, like the Volume button, changing the grid from clips to unipolar, vertical faders.
Stop Clip - When pressed, all track control buttons will turn white and act as the stop button for the corresponding row in the performance panel. Shift + any track select button will stop all clips in the performance panel.